Worship Service
God created us to live in relationship with Him and to regularly declare His value and worth - not just on Sunday morning, but all week long. Worship is the natural response to a personal relationship with the God of this universe. So when we get together on Sunday morning, our desire is to celebrate this God who has been personally and actively involved in our lives. He is the audience and we gather together to tell Him how much we love Him. We aren't here to celebrate the preacher, the musicians, or anybody else, and we don't gather to ask "what can this church do for me this week?". We are here to celebrate God. And hopefullly, one of the by-products will be lives that are encouraged and strengthened as they are reminded that God is alive and real.
Sunday Morning Worship Service is at 10:45 a.m.
If you would like to help out in our worship service with special music or if you would like to be lay-leader, please contact Paul Harder.