Faith Kids
3 John 1:4
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
We know that the care of our little ones is critical for mom and dad to worship without hesitation. Our Nursery Committee works hard to provide quality staff, supplies, and toys for both infants and toddlers.
We have a space for Infants through 3 years old. As well as, a Nursing Mom's Room available. We look to provide special care to infants and toddlers that contribute to their wellbeing. We believe that it is never too early to start teaching your child about God and how wonderful He is to us.
If your child is sick, we ask that you not expose other little ones so that the Nursery can be a healthy environment for everyone.
Junior Church
Younger children often have difficulty sitting through the entire Worship Service, much less understanding what has been taught. Therefore, we offer an alternative Junior Church for children in Preschool.
We do want our children to begin to experience family togetherness in worship, so we have them begin the service together with all the adults. Just before the message, they are dismissed for Junior Church.
Several adult, high school volunteers, and parents currently provide leadership for this significant ministry.
Sunday School
We cannot expect our children and youth to live a life for the Lord unless they know what He says. It is vitally important that we are grounded in the truths that God provides for us in His Word. We desire to partner with parents by giving children and youth the opportunity to learn more about themselves, the world, and God. We try to accomplish this through spending this time developing friendships with other people their own age and digging in to what the Bible says.
Classes are available for children ages 2 through 6th grade.
Sunday School begins at 9:15 am each Sunday morning.
Truth Trackers
Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, ‘Let the little children come to me.’ Jesus loved children and so do we. That is why we desire to give them a knowledge of God and His Word that will help them through all of life. There is nothing more exciting than seeing a child come to faith in Jesus Christ and then grow in their relationship with Him. Any child from Preschool to 6th grade is invited to join us.
Truth Trackers uses Bible Memory, Bible Devotions, and Bible Lessons to help children LOCK-IN truth and LIVE-OUT faith. Children have life questions. They need to know more than just the right answers, they need to memorize the Bible verses that give those answers.The devotions help the children understand the doctrine they are learning about, and just as important, teach the children how they can apply that doctrine to their every day life.
Classes are held throughout the school year from 7 - 8:30 pm on Wednesday evenings.